AUDIO - 3 Mins - Use Groups to Grow Your Database Are you hosting a Podcast, or perhaps you are a podcast guest, and you belong to various groups in the online community, like Facebook and LinkedIn, or others; as a business owner, your groups can provide you the perfect option to broaden your Podcast audience and grow your database exponentially! While it’s true that your posts should be beneficial to the specific needs of the group, you should be certain to post an update of your Podcast in every appropriate group where it is allowed. As a marketing agency, we have lots of clients that belong to dozens of groups. We wish we could share post for our clients to their groups but we cannot do it with any success for several reasons:
This is not selling, (although selling is quite alright in its time and place.) This is telling … telling your group members to listen to the valuable information you are providing in your Podcast, and telling them that they can contact you, they can depend on you to provide services they can trust and rely on.
This is a proactive and proven strategy. We answered this question for a client several years ago they took the advice and found success. Now, I’m sharing with you the same 3 min. Video on groups because the rules haven’t changed and I know you’ll have even more success as you continue to develop your plan. So there it is! You’ve just participated in a great Podcast, now take the extra step …if you have not already done so, seek out the appropriate groups in your online communities, share your message of knowledge, light and encouragement and at the same time, build on to your most valuable business asset …your database!
Audio Version 3-mins In my last blog, I stressed the importance in using a professional email address to grow your database (contact list). So thanks to all of you who wisely decided to use an email address to match and brand your business Today, let’s look at another tool that's been proven to increase awareness for your business or organization and grow your database, Video Commercials. Many small business owners believe the cost for producing a professional, effective video commercial is beyond their budget. Now's the time to reconsider. Video commercials are a great way to gain more attention and to attract more clients, There’s never been a better time to place a professionally produced video commercial on your Website and on all of your social media platforms. There are fewer marketing tools that have the proven power to attract new clients, retain existing clients and generate more revenue. Those of you who have a long term relationship with DonPaul Enterprises already know that our core marketing strategy is rooted in the AIDA method; Attract, Interest, Decide, Action. Video content is instrumental in every step of this strategy. We recommend the AddVoyces Video Production Company because they have a proven record of producing quality video commercials at affordable prices. If you are shopping around for a video vendor, you’ll want to consider one that you can afford to use repeatedly. AddVoyces provides all of the heavy lifting: don’t know exactly what to say? They provide script support, need appropriate images? They provide images. Need video clips inserted or edited? They have expert editing services. Need music? They got the right music. 30 secs not quite long enough to convey your message? They’ll accommodate you with extra seconds! So check out the video in this message and imagine it’s all about you and your business or your book or your organization! The ball is in your court …. all of the possible reasons or excuses you may have had for not enjoying the benefits of your own video commercial …yes, all of those reasons have been eliminated.
So I’m looking forward to seeing your video real soon! Last but never least, please think on this…building your video library is a tremendous marketing tool in the strategy of building your most valuable business asset…and you know… that’s your database! Until next time, bye-bye In 2021, I spent the year talking about the mind set it takes to grow your database. I ended each message with a single phrase "Your database is your most valuable business asset." I’d like to congratulate all of you who followed my recommendations and added customers, clients, subscribers, members, volunteers to your company I know you made more sales, booked more consultations, filled up more Webinars ..and well … that’s the point…you did it, even with the pandemic still affecting our lives and our businesses, you did it. This year, I'm not moving away from the importance of mind-set, but I'm adding messages about tools. Getting into conversations about tools can be tricky because various tools work differently for various categories of businesses and what works well for one business may not produce the same positive outcome for another. But we’ll cover that in future sessions. I'm going to simply share with you some knowledge that’s proven to help grow your most valuable business asset…your database … no matter what kind of business model you follow B2B, B2C or nonprofit or what type of product/service you provide. Let’s get started with the importance of using a professional email address. That’s a tool that can help grow your database in a subliminal way. If you use ", or any of the other top email services " for your business address opposed to using "@MyCompanyName".com or .org." You’ll want to consider making a change, and here's why
Using your company name brings you many advantages, ultimately leading to database growth. Oh well, I could go on and on about but the benefits and importance of using a professional email address, but I believe you get the message...and the message is the investment you make in creating a professional email address is well worth it. The cool thing is that you don't have to break the bank to get it done. Of course, you'll need a URL or domain name, but if you're not ready to create your site, you can still create your professional email box. If you already have a website then your provider can help you set up a professional email and usually for less than $50 a year! You can then have your mail forwarded through Gmail, Yahoo, or whatever service and keep the conveniences that you love!
Team DonPaul can help you with all of this and we can set you up…so if you still have questions about the importance of having a professional email address?
Just use this link or click the button to schedule a chat we’ll go into another year of growing your most valuable business asset...your database! The Version Audio is 4mins. Word for Week 48 - Disenchanted Meaning: no longer believing in the value of something, especially having learned of the work involved with it: Insight: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas Edison -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know many of you are going to wonder about the tone of this blog...I mean after all...we've nearly made to the end of another year that has been scourged and scarred by the pandemic ...but we made it through ... so why not end on a happier more festive word for database building? What's up with disenchanted being the word for the week? Well, for one thing, we've got a couple more weeks before this year ends, and this week I've been thinking about the beginning of 2021 not necessarily the ending. I've been thinking about the small business owners who started out with passion and excitement to grow their database, but unfortunately made very little progress in changing the numbers. And I've been thinking about those who had equal hopes who have met their goals and some who even surpassed their own expectations. From where I'm standing, there was very little difference in what the outcome may have been. DonPaul Enterprises typically does not take on a client unless we believe there are reasonable opportunities for them to reach their goal. We know that not everyone will, but we also know that even going in the right direction for one year can put a business on a solid path to success in the coming years. So what made the difference? Mr. Edison said it well: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
However, there are some common stumbling blocks that clearly contributed to less success for some business owners:
The good news is there is still enough time left in 2021 to create a plan for growth. Check out my schedule for openings to have a consultation ...and please, let's not make it a "New Year's Resolution" ...Let's make it an acknowledgment: that your database is your most valuable business asset. Until next time bye bye. The Audio Version - 3 mins Word for Week 46 - Partnership Meaning: Partnership is a relationship in which two or more people, organizations, or countries work together as partners. Insight: Partnership is not a posture but a process - a continuous process that grows stronger each year as we devote ourselves to common tasks - President JFK, Sr. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks ago, I spoke with a client who is having success in getting her database to grow, however she told me she’s still looking for new ways to grow farther. She loves having a small business, she just desires continuous growth. During our consultation, I asked her if she’d considered nurturing any partnerships. She confided in me that the idea of forming partnerships sounded too complicated and that she couldn’t clearly see how it would help her bring more clients to her database. So I asked her if she’d allow me a few moments to give her some tips and advice on ways to consider the benefits of forming partnerships, and I was delighted when she said yes. Today I’m sharing some of that with you. 1. Identifying successful or growing businesses that offer complementary services is great way to start. A few examples: (taken from an earlier blog that I posted) brings up….
2. After researching the category of businesses that best align with yours, be certain that you know what you’ll bring to the relationship. Avoid the trap of only thinking of what you’ll get and concentrate on what you will bring to the table. 3. Remember, if it’s not in writing, it’s not real, so be sure you have more than a “handshake” or a verbal/virtual consensus. All assumptions and expectations should be in writing. If you find it “uncomfortable”, to put your expectations in writing, then you may not want to move forward.
4. There’s an old saying …friendship is just another word for partnership. That is not necessarily true, especially not in business. 5. Most every successful business worth its salt has already put into place a referral, affiliate, or partnership agreement for their business. That means they are already looking for you. Getting back to my client, I’m happy to say that after our conversation, she decided to take a deeper dive and consider her options. She aligned herself another small business owner and it only took a short while for them both to see it was a great move to make. I can see a lot of success in the future for both businesses. If you’ve been thinking about building a partnership with a complimentary service, I hope you’ll hold on to the idea and ultimately find the right fit! Set up a strategy session with me and together we can put some tactics in place to help you grow your most valuable business asset … your database. Until next time Bye - Bye The Audio Version - 3 mins Word for Week 45 - Research Meaning - The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts, reach conclusions and make decisions. Insight: Research does not guarantee success, it merely ensures expectations will not be overestimated. – Ms P. Quote --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we draw nearer to the end of the year, I’m assessing how far we’ve come and I want to thank each and everyone of you for supporting DonPaul Marketing Moments. It’s not the first time I’ve thanked you and prayerfully, it won’t be the last, however this time I want be specific in thanking those who have done more than just read or listened to my blog, but who have also used some of the tips and tricks. I know you’re using the information, because I can see your database growing and that’s a good thing. One of the most important aspects of database growth is identifying your audience and communicating with them on a consistent basis. Your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system can help you track your progress and keep everything in order, but the system only knows what you provide and what you want to provide is the most complete and accurate contact information available from people who have a desire to hear from you. It doesn’t have to be a deep and yearning desire, it’s enough to know that you are “Speaking Their Language.” With all of that research done, you reached out, introduced yourself and asked them to connect with you… they did ….and they will continue to connect with you! It’s never too late to start the research you need to build excellent relationships and bring clients into your business or organization. We are here to assist you every step of the way. Schedule a strategy session and come away with solid ideas for your next campaign. So once again, I want to thank you and congratulate everyone on making DonPaul Marketing Moments an evidence-based resource for small business owners, proving beyond a doubt that your database is your most valuable business asset. Until next time, bye bye The Audio Version - 3 mins Word for Week 44 - Persistence
Meaning - A firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Insight: Nelson Mandela: “It always seems impossible …until it’s done”. ----------------------------------------------------- Growing your database is a matter of putting systems in place that will help you persistently present a call to action (CTA). So why do many potential clients confuse your “persistence” with things like nuisance, annoyance, and irritation? I can say for sure there’s a lack of communication and it’s up to you to make the adjustment. Are you speaking to the right audience? If the answer is yes….then here’s 10 lessons I’ve learned:
Caution: The world is ever evolving … what may have been considered “persistence” back-in-the-day, may now be considered stalking or spamming. Do your research. Accurately identify your audience and learn the nuances. Are you interested in strategies of persistence and offering solutions, while staying within the boundaries? Let’s get started now….I’d love to strategize with you. Schedule a complimentary session. My promise is…you will come away with some new ideas for growing your most valuable business asset…your database. The Audio Version - 4 mins Word for week 43: Question Meaning as noun: 1. a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply. 2. a matter of some uncertainty or difficulty; a problem. Insight: Comes from Mrs. Michelle Obama, who says: “Focus more on learning than on succeeding. Instead of pretending that you understand something when you don’t, just raise your hand, and ask a question.” --------------------------------------------- So here’s a question…how does the word “question” fit into a database building strategy? I can tell you, at every twist and turn! Starting with the question: “What is database building?” The briefest answer I can provide is: “It’s the system you use to build your client list.” . Sounds pretty simple right? Old school methods (some still in use today) included business cards, telephone calls, flyers, and even door-to-door visits played a part in building your client list. You’d take all of the information, whip out the paper and pens and spend hours trying to decipher various hand-written notes. Even later, when spreadsheets came on the scene, those who were not experts with excel had to hire an admin, or personally take on the challenging job of typing all of the information with accuracy and then managing it in ways that produced really useful results. We’ve moved ahead quite a bit, from the rather clumsy, time-consuming, uncertain methods of gathering and managing our client lists …so far ahead in fact, that the question I hear most often now is, “How do I select a system that will help me build my client list?” The answer of course starts with your individual business requirements, however, once you’ve identified your target audience, the tools we recommend are proven to help you attract more clients. Most start-up and small business owners are short on time and money, so another question I get a lot is “How much is this going to cost me?”. I like that question a lot because it costs nothing to learn more, a consultation is free, and it costs nothing to use the tools.
The final question I frequently hear is “Does it really work?” To that question I’d point you to many of the clients we’ve assisted in growing their client list, but more importantly, if you’ll take an opportunity to chat with me, you’ll see very clearly, in just a few moments how well our guidance can work for your business or organization. In the end, it is pretty simple after all …as an owner of a for-profit or the founder of a nonprofit, you need a system that will allow you to nurture your relationships, keep your audiences engaged, reach your target audience wherever they are, integrate with social media and provide you with the information you need to make better business decisions. Schedule a chat with me …get your questions answered, and see how it all comes together, to help you grow your most valuable business asset…that’s your database! Until next time … bye bye. The Audio Version - 3 mins Word for week 42: Trust Meaning: ….firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. ------------------------------------------------------------------ When I say the word trust, regarding a business topic, I’m also certain you’ll think of the trust that’s built between a client or customer and you the business owner and I’d agree with you. Most of you are aware that KNOW, LIKE and TRUST are the three elements that can lead a potential client into making a decision or taking the action you want them to take and yet many business owners expect that action to be taken before there’s enough time allowed for the KLT factor to take hold. Things move very quickly in today’s world the way we eat, travel, play, even the way we speak we often look for faster and more rapid results. A polling of internet users revealed 40% of users abandon a Website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. But that’s a story for another blog. The fact is, while we want many actions to take place faster… some things take time, they can’t be rushed … and building trust is one of those things. The key to keeping a full complement of clients is to consistently reach-out in relationship building and to be equally consistent in communicating with your existing clients. That’s a lot easier to do with a well-developed database management strategy. Your contacts are multifaceted, and your database should be also. Trust is built when your potential clients and your clients believe you have their best interest at heart. That’s why testimonials and personal recommendations work so well, they foster trust, but depending on your business category you’ll need to put in some extra work because each contact is different…even if you are selling the same product over and over, each person has their own unique needs. So remember to take your time in building trust with your subscribers. Listen carefully to them and find out if they have a pain you can help ease, a problem you can help them solve, a desire you can help them fulfill or a goal you can help them reach. If you can’t do any of these things then there’s very slim basis for trust to grow, but if you can help them with any of these needs all that’s required is nurturing …the trust is sure to follow and along with trust you’ll grow your most valuable business asset …your database! Until later, bye-bye. Let us help you design a database
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