In 2021, I spent the year talking about the mind set it takes to grow your database. I ended each message with a single phrase "Your database is your most valuable business asset." I’d like to congratulate all of you who followed my recommendations and added customers, clients, subscribers, members, volunteers to your company I know you made more sales, booked more consultations, filled up more Webinars ..and well … that’s the point…you did it, even with the pandemic still affecting our lives and our businesses, you did it. This year, I'm not moving away from the importance of mind-set, but I'm adding messages about tools. Getting into conversations about tools can be tricky because various tools work differently for various categories of businesses and what works well for one business may not produce the same positive outcome for another. But we’ll cover that in future sessions. I'm going to simply share with you some knowledge that’s proven to help grow your most valuable business asset…your database … no matter what kind of business model you follow B2B, B2C or nonprofit or what type of product/service you provide. Let’s get started with the importance of using a professional email address. That’s a tool that can help grow your database in a subliminal way. If you use ", or any of the other top email services " for your business address opposed to using "@MyCompanyName".com or .org." You’ll want to consider making a change, and here's why
Using your company name brings you many advantages, ultimately leading to database growth. Oh well, I could go on and on about but the benefits and importance of using a professional email address, but I believe you get the message...and the message is the investment you make in creating a professional email address is well worth it. The cool thing is that you don't have to break the bank to get it done. Of course, you'll need a URL or domain name, but if you're not ready to create your site, you can still create your professional email box. If you already have a website then your provider can help you set up a professional email and usually for less than $50 a year! You can then have your mail forwarded through Gmail, Yahoo, or whatever service and keep the conveniences that you love!
Team DonPaul can help you with all of this and we can set you up…so if you still have questions about the importance of having a professional email address?
Just use this link or click the button to schedule a chat we’ll go into another year of growing your most valuable business asset...your database!
The Audio Version - 3 mins Word for week 42: Trust Meaning: ….firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. ------------------------------------------------------------------ When I say the word trust, regarding a business topic, I’m also certain you’ll think of the trust that’s built between a client or customer and you the business owner and I’d agree with you. Most of you are aware that KNOW, LIKE and TRUST are the three elements that can lead a potential client into making a decision or taking the action you want them to take and yet many business owners expect that action to be taken before there’s enough time allowed for the KLT factor to take hold. Things move very quickly in today’s world the way we eat, travel, play, even the way we speak we often look for faster and more rapid results. A polling of internet users revealed 40% of users abandon a Website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. But that’s a story for another blog. The fact is, while we want many actions to take place faster… some things take time, they can’t be rushed … and building trust is one of those things. The key to keeping a full complement of clients is to consistently reach-out in relationship building and to be equally consistent in communicating with your existing clients. That’s a lot easier to do with a well-developed database management strategy. Your contacts are multifaceted, and your database should be also. Trust is built when your potential clients and your clients believe you have their best interest at heart. That’s why testimonials and personal recommendations work so well, they foster trust, but depending on your business category you’ll need to put in some extra work because each contact is different…even if you are selling the same product over and over, each person has their own unique needs. So remember to take your time in building trust with your subscribers. Listen carefully to them and find out if they have a pain you can help ease, a problem you can help them solve, a desire you can help them fulfill or a goal you can help them reach. If you can’t do any of these things then there’s very slim basis for trust to grow, but if you can help them with any of these needs all that’s required is nurturing …the trust is sure to follow and along with trust you’ll grow your most valuable business asset …your database! Until later, bye-bye. Let us help you design a database
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