An Audio Version for Your Convenience Word of the Week: Interaction “… a kind of action that occurs as two or more entities have an effect upon one another.” Insight for week 08 - It’s not enough to have a large audience online. You need to be actively engaged with them and they need to interact with you. Here’s why you should make it happen and how. It’s pretty well-known that only 10% or less of your social media circle even get to see your posts ... that is unless you are paying for ads or boosting. Here, I'm talking about organic reach, and that makes it even more imperative that you identify who’s in your audience and if they are really your ideal clients. Your database provides you with ownership - and ownership allows you the capability to display your “Unique Value Prospective”; that means with the click of a button you can entice them away from the clutter and white noise of the crowd. You can take them to a place where only you will address their issues and give them a sense of knowing that their issues are going to be taken care of. Ahhh ... you want to know how to get them to actually click that button! Right? I’ve gathered 10 ways (and even more) to get your ideal audience to stop scrolling, interact with you and accept an invitation into your database. And here, I’ll share just 3 of them with you, right now.
1. Ask Questions. What challenges have they overcome? What ideas do they have? Be prepared to listen and offer a method that will be private for them to provide feedback. Be prepared to invite all commenters to join your email list. Hold on to your trade secrets, but be prepared for deeper discussions and in-depth insights. If you are serious about building your database, meet them online and bring them off-line 2. Host Webinars, Google Hangouts, FB LIVEs, Publish a Blog or a Newsletter. All of these strategies share one common approach to success, and that is consistency. These are not one-and-done marketing tricks. If your lifestyle does not support the stability, reliability, uniformity, and the discipline required to produce this type of media, then honestly it’s best not to begin …until you can. Why? Because these are not activities that can simply be added to your “to do” list. All of these traits help build trust with your audience and if you fail to provide them, you can lose trust and lose money. Building your ideal client list can easily start here. 3. Thank You – Yes…THANK YOU. The two most powerful words in the world, perhaps even the universe, when uttered with honest sincerity, can become a potent potion to stop the scroll, stir up some interaction and attract some influential attention. In summary, active engagement is sure to turn a passive online audience into a thriving, engaged community. Interaction as the definition suggests is a kind of action that occurs as two or more entities have an effect upon one another.” In this instance, that's you the process of identifying your ideal client. There you have 3 ideas that when applied properly are proven to increase interactivity, if you want more …follow the link. I’m confident that we’ll be able to create even more unique ways for your audience to interact with you and your business! Until next time, as always remember, Your Database is your most valuable asset and Database Fitness = Database Growth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PS: If your current Database Strategy does not allow you to create campaigns filled with opportunities for interactivity, let’s chat about what will work better for you and your business.
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